Saturday, November 22, 2008

Younger Men

Today we met up with Emerson's new boyfriend. It seems to me that she is interested in younger men! During her stay in the hospital, she had many younger boy roommates but they all left her to go home. Hopefully, Will will be sticking around for awhile. Will is the son of a co-worker of mine. His mom Angel was also due on October 9th. Emerson was born on 9-27 and Will on 10-07, so neither of us made it to the 10-9 due date.

*Emerson is now sleeping 5-6 hours through the night. We put her down at 10 pm and she sleeps straight until 2-3 am. She has adapted to home life beautifully.


Unknown said...

How sweet! Young love!
Emerson makes such a fashion statement. I have noticed that a lot of her outfits are similar to the movie star and politician kids!

KRISTI said...

Soooo cute!