Wednesday, September 29, 2010

E turns TWO!!

Emerson had a fun weekend filled with lots of surprises, family, and friends. She invited some friends to come over and enjoy pancakes in PJ's, we went to the zoo, and even celebrated with ice cream on the big day!
At the end of the evening we decided to watch Emerson's real birthday on dvd. I can't believe how much she has changed in her short little life. I remember sitting on the birthing table looking at her, so little and fragile. Now she is full of life, personality, and spirit. I love you so much little love bug!
***************Happy 2nd birthday********************


ksegrest1 said...

Oh Happy Birthday Emerson! You are the cutest 2 yr old I've ever seen. :)

Cassandre said...

Happy Birthday, Emerson!!!

I can't believe you're already 2!

You get cuter everytime I see new pics :)

Hope to see you and your parents soon.


Dianna said...

Happy Belated Birthday E!!!
You are blessed and bless those around you!
With love from afar.....