Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Thanksgiving Miracle

This Thanksgiving, our family is thankful for so many things. Of course, our Sweet Little Emerson is on the top of that list!! While visiting family, Emerson decided that she was ready to "hands and knees" crawl (rather than army crawl) across the floor. Travis and I have been waiting for this moment for so long! I was so excited I called E's physical therapist on her day off. Sorry Rebecca! :-)

So...I want to give a huge shout out for the wonderful team of professionals that work so hard with our family to better Emerson's future! We are truly THANKFUL for you!


Susan said...

And she's off!!!! Batten down the hatches (and the Christmas tree)!

ksegrest1 said...

Way to impress the parents Emerson! Looks like Santa will be good to you this year :)

Rebecca Wallace said...

I am so proud of you Emerson you are doing so good! I loved getting that phone call the other day please do not apologize I am so glad you called me. I love working with you guys she is so precious!